
Category: Photography

Photography is something I've always been interested in. It's a solid second tier hobby of mine, that plays an integral part in documenting my other hobbies.

Indiscriminate photos #1

March 11, 2016

Since I finally have a camera capable of high quality shots, I Thought I’d start posting some of the random stuff I photograph. The following shots are some of the random stuff I’ve taken over the last few days.

Just click on any image to view a slideshow side for your monitor. Right click on the an image, and  open it in a new tab or window to view it at maximum resolution.

Posted in: Photography

Allerton Park day trip

February 27, 2016

Since it was over 50 degrees and the sun was out, Jillian and I decided to take a day trip to Allerton Park. A lot of statues are still wrapped for winter storage, but we saw some signs that spring is just around the corner.

Posted in: Photography

Out with the old and in with the new camera

February 19, 2016

Since works been kicking my but lately, and it’s been to cold to comfortably work in the shop, I’ve been spending my nights becoming more familiar with my new camera. I’ve been wanting a new camera for a while, but kept putting it off. However, with the wedding/honeymoon fast approaching I decided now was the time. I spent a good wheek researching what camera to get, and ultimately settled on the Panasonic G7. It’s an entry level micro four thirds model, that should do just about everything I require from a camera.  It’s 16 megapixels,  shoots 4k video, and the interchangeable lenses  will let me  get into macro photography. The following shots are my favorites from the last weeks.


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Posted in: Photography